Band name as you want it to be displayed.
Maximum 255 characters
Contact information for the band leader, the one who will sign the agreement (Full name, mailing address, cell #, email address).
Do you agree to hold Sunday July 20, 2025 (4pm load in / set-up / sound check, show 730pm – 9pm, one set, no intermission, load out by 10pm) until the winner is contacted, April 3rd, 2025?
Are you on Facebook? If so, what is your handle? (please LIKE / FOLLOW Music on the Barge!)
Are you on Instagram? If so, what is your handle? (please LIKE / FOLLOW Music on the Barge!)
Provide a brief blurb about your ‘show’ (150 – 200 words).
What is your performance fee? NOTE: there is a fee cap as it is a free community concert (If charging HST, please provide the number and the business name registered to it.)
Do you submit your own SOCAN / RESOUND fees (separately or through ENTANDEM)? (If yes, please provide the number(s) and the business name registered to it/them)
If you are the successful candidate, would you be able to provide a Certificate of Insurance (min. $2 million). If NO, a Certificate of Insurance can be provided to you for $22.05 + 8% PST.
How many people total are in your show? We provide a light dinner (usually sandwiches or salads, fruit, cookies, and non-alc beverages). Are there any dietary restrictions for the above-mentioned?
Please upload a copy of your stage plot / input list.
Please provide us with a video link to your entry into the “Battle for the Barge”
Please upload a high quality photos that we can use in promotion of the “Battle for the Barge”.
Answer this question “We want to play on the Barge because...”
How did you hear about the “Battle for the Barge”?
By filling out this form / application, do you understand and give permission for your image (all performers included) will be used in the promotion of the Battle and if chosen as the winner, for the promotion of the show and season.