2024 User Fees and Charges

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Consultation has concluded

UPDATE (Sept. 21, 2023): At the Sept. 19, 2023 committee of the whole meeting, council approved new fees and charges for 2024.

Watch the related presentation.

Read the related staff report to learn more.

Review the new fees.

This project is now closed. Thank you for your participation.


UPDATE (Sept. 18, 2023): Consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone who shared their views.

Watch for updates on this subject.


The Town of Gravenhurst wants to hear your thoughts on the proposed fees and charges for 2024.

Please take a moment to review the related staff report and the draft fees and charges documents.

Review the staff report.

Review the recommended user fees and service charges for 2024.

Review a summary of the recommended increases and new charges.

See the section below to share your thoughts with us.

UPDATE (Sept. 21, 2023): At the Sept. 19, 2023 committee of the whole meeting, council approved new fees and charges for 2024.

Watch the related presentation.

Read the related staff report to learn more.

Review the new fees.

This project is now closed. Thank you for your participation.


UPDATE (Sept. 18, 2023): Consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone who shared their views.

Watch for updates on this subject.


The Town of Gravenhurst wants to hear your thoughts on the proposed fees and charges for 2024.

Please take a moment to review the related staff report and the draft fees and charges documents.

Review the staff report.

Review the recommended user fees and service charges for 2024.

Review a summary of the recommended increases and new charges.

See the section below to share your thoughts with us.

Share your feedback

We want to hear what you think about the proposed fees and charges for 2024.

Thank you for taking the time to submit your comments. 

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

I don't agree with this at all

Timmmy about 1 year ago

I think these changes will hurt the future possibility of recreational sports in Gravenhurst. Leagues are going to start leaving to go to other communities. But, most importantly we could start seeing more people taking their kids and traveling to other communities to play sports because the cost is too high. We need to be competitive with fees not gauging the pockets of our permenant residences.

GhurstParent23 about 1 year ago

Diamond in bad shape, parking lot isn't big enough. You want to raise price for that dump?

Mike schell about 1 year ago