What comprises the town's budget?

    The budget is actually comprised of two parts. 

    The first part is the operating budget. 

    The second part is the capital budget. 

    What is the operating budget?

    The operating budget funds the day-to-day expenses associated with program and service delivery. This includes such things as staff salaries, insurance, the cost of electricity, etc. 

    What is the capital budget?

    The capital budget is used to pay for new tangible assets. This includes such things roads, sidewalks, vehicles, facilities, etc. 

    What are user fees?

    User fees are charged by the municipality to fund programs and services that provide no direct benefit to the community as a whole. 

    Each year, the town reviews and adjusts its user fees, subject to council approval. 

    The review includes an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed new fees for the year ahead. See our related project page on Engage Gravenhurst. 

    What are development charges?

    Development charges are fees that the town collects from new construction projects to help pay for growth-related infrastructure investments in the community.  

    These investments include such things as new sidewalks, parks, and equipment. 

    The principle behind the charges is that growth pays for growth.  

    When will the budget be available for review?

    The budget will be available for review on our website Gravenhurst.ca and on Engage Gravenhurst starting Nov. 8. 

    You can provide feedback on the budget through our Engage Gravenhurst page or by contacting us at info@gravenhurst.ca

    Will there be a public meeting regarding the draft budget?

    Yes. The meeting will take place Nov. 27, 2024. 

    Watch Gravenhurst.ca and Engage Gravenhurst for details. 

    The budget will be presented at the meeting and the public will have an opportunity to comment. 

    When will the budget be passed?

    Dec. 10 or Dec. 11 if a second day is required for consideration of the budget.