Understanding Housing Affordability in Gravenhurst
Consultation has concluded
Update - October 2024
On Oct. 15, Gravenhurst council members formally received the town’s Housing Needs Assessment report and agreed to continue addressing housing needs in the community.
Read the related news release.
Read the related staff report.
Review the Housing Needs Assessment.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this project.
Watch Gravenhurst.ca and our social media channels for future updates.
Project introduction
What are we doing?
The Town of Gravenhurst has contracted SHS Consulting to help develop a Housing Needs Assessment for our community.
An important part of the housing needs assessment is understanding how the local community is experiencing housing affordability.
We are seeking resident feedback and providing opportunities to share your stories and ideas about housing affordability in Gravenhurst to help guide decision making based on local need. *To share your stories and ideas, scroll to the bottom and click the the 'Stories' and 'Ideas' tabs.
A housing needs assessment (HNA) is an essential tool to ensure that the Town of Gravenhurst remains a vibrant, viable and economically prosperous community that grows sustainably, and adapts to the changing profile of the community, going into the future.
What role does the town play in addressing housing affordability for its residents?
As one of six local municipalities that make up the District of Muskoka, the Town of Gravenhurst is reliant on the District of Muskoka, as the Municipal Service Manager responsible for the provision of housing and homelessness programs and services, along with the provincial and federal levels of government.
The Town of Gravenhurst recognizes that there are still opportunities available to address the affordable housing crisis the community is currently experiencing.
Gravenhurst’s council has adopted, as a strategic priority for this term, to investigate what it can do towards ensuring much needed housing is built within the community.
How is affordability defined?
According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing is considered “affordable” if it costs less than 30% of a household’s before-tax income.
Many people think the term “affordable housing” refers only to rental housing that is subsidized by the government. In reality, it’s a very broad term that can include housing provided by the private, public and non-profit sectors. It also includes all forms of housing tenure: rental, ownership and co-operative ownership, as well as temporary and permanent housing.
How can you participate?
You can participate in this project in two ways, you can share your stories and experiences about affordable housing in Gravenhurst, and you can share your ideas to improve affordable housing. We welcome your input on both.
1. Share your Resident Affordable Housing Stories
Please share your stories and experiences about
• Finding affordable housing.
• Having to leave affordable housing due to reasons out of your control and
• Challenges you have faced securing affordable housing for yourself or your family.
• Having to share costs with others to make it more affordable, such as sharing rental housing with friends, buying a home with other family members.
* See the Stories tab below to share your stories with us.
2. Share your Resident Affordable Housing Ideas
Please share your ideas:
• to help improve housing affordability in the community
• to help increase housing options including affordable housing, such as adding Additional Residential Units (ARU’s),
• for alternative housing options within the Town to achieve affordability
• and suggestions for resources and policies you would like to see the Town offer, to help address the housing crisis
* See the Ideas tab below to share your ideas with us.
Additional information
Questions or comments?
Contact us by e-mail at: engagement@shs-inc.ca