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Family of four struggling

My family of four moved to Gravenhurst almost 7 years ago! We love it here! I had childhood summers spent here a long with holidays. When I moved out of the city, I figured this would be a great place to raise my family. After staying with my senior grandmother in her one bedroom shard kitchen apartment for a month we managed to find a 2 bedroom plus small den. Since price inflation I've had my ex-husband move in with myself and my now husband to help with expenses. The place has already became to small for growing kids, but after looking for over three years, it looks like my family will be moving back to the dangers of the city, because unless I'm looking to live in a one bedroom basement apartment for more then my monthly income with five people, There is no housing nor is there affordable housing, even with all us adults working, we cannot afford a 5, 000 dollar a month home. I hope this issue gets fixed in the next few years!
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